Dance Film • Experimental
Synopsis: 4 ancient Gods, half human, half animal, are trapped in an Abyss for their human sins. One of them removes her mask and starts a dislocated dance. She tries to escape the room, hopeless. None of the other Gods, still obsessed with their inner demons, seem interested in her performance. As the dancer tries a desperate last move, she is drowned in a thick white mist, defeated.
Director: Laura Carnet
Distribution: Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre
Festival Selection: London International Short Film Festival
Lion: Heidi Trudeau
Bull: Brie Laboucane
Dobermann: Alex Tam
Stag: Joylyn Secunda
Director: Laura Carnet
Producer: Yael Carnet
Director of Photography: Angelica Perez Anzures
Production Designer: Jennifer Lecaine
Editor & Sound Designer: Latif Ullah
Music Composer: Latif Ullah
Costume Designer: Andrea MacDonald
Props Master: Ramona Ramsey
Associate Producer: Rene Rebora
MUA: Katelyn Slotin
MUA assistant: Stacey Koch
1st AC: Marco Lamera
Gaffer: Sara Kliewer
Key Grip: Slatie Chu
Grips: Thiago Ramirez, Alexander Pfleger
Lamp. Op.: Shawn Pelletier
SPFX: Daniele Simone
Unit photographer: Kristina Kimlickova